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Mécanismes Physiopathologiques et Conséquences des Calcifications Cardiovasculaires

Scientific Day FHU CARNAVAL - Rouen 2023

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News on the 13-11-2023

Félicitations à Nervana ISSA et Gérémy BLOT pour leurs prix



Congratulations to our Ph.D. students Nervana k. Issa and Geremy Blot for their outstanding performance on FHU CARNAVAL Day 2023 (CArdiac Research Network on Aortic VAlve and heart faiLure). Nervana’s work on the role played by the uremic toxin indoxyl-sulfate in the development of aortic stenosis was awarded a travel award, a prize for best oral communication and a poster prize. Geremy’s work on the development of a model of chronic kidney disease associated with valvular calcifications was awarded a prize for best fast communication. Thank you for this great work, for your contribution to the field, and for your commitment to our team. The whole MP3CV team is proud of you!
Our group is particularly grateful to Région Hauts-de-France and the Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) for co-funding Nervana’s and Geremy’s Ph.D. theses.
Special thanks to the FHU CARNAVAL steering committee (in particular Hélène Eltchaninoff, Delphine Béziau-Gasnier, and Claire Vezier, as well as Inserm U1096) for organizing this event, and for the quality of the collaborations and work carried out within the structure.

LinkedIn :

 Nervana ISSA


Session étudiants - 3 minutes pour convaincre
Modérateurs : Florence Pinet & Lucie Hénaut  

Poster  Gérémy BLOT

Poster  Nervana ISSA

Session étudiants  Cliniciens et chercheurs : 2 visions, 1 seul but. Et si on se comprenait ?
Modérateur Alain MANRIQUE et Saïd KAMEL

Remise des Prix

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  • on the 13-11-2023


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